About us
Environment and Language Education Trust (ELET) is an NGO based in KZN, in operation for 37 years. Our organization impacts development and transformation through Accredited Skills Training, Environmental, Teacher and Learner Empowerment and Employment Creation Programs, with an emphasis on marginalized and vulnerable Women and Youth.
Our program focus is on Learner Support, Teacher Development, Early Childhood Development Learnership programs, Literacy and Environmental Education and Rehabilitation. Our principal accreditation is from ETDPSETA (10634) as a Skills Development Provider that includes Level 4 (ID 58761) and 5 (ID 64650) Early Childhood Development learnership programs.We also have accreditation for Facilitator (117871), Assessor (ID 115753) and Moderator (ID 115759) training. From 2015, our organisation has graduated more than 750 learners in both level 4 Spotify promotion and 5 ECD Learnerships, in partnership with HWSETA and the Durban University of Technology.
With a national footprint, we have graduated learners from all provinces and mostly women from deep rural areas, directly impacting Government’s National Development Plan (NDP) to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality by 2030. Moreover, the 2030 goals and NDP identifies the important role Early Childhood Development plays in ‘laying a solid foundation for learners for a long and healthy life and higher educational and scientific achievement’.
Our Learner Support Programs focus on providing support in the gateway subjects of Mathematics and Physical Science to disadvantaged learners, thereby increasing the pool of learners studying science at tertiary level. A related program is Teacher Development to upskill Math and Science teachers to perform better in the class to improve the results in these areas. ELET is governed by a board of trustees, who broadly represent the fields of Education and the Environment. The main function of the Board is to provide guidance in policy formulation and financial oversight.
Guiding Principles & Aspirations
- Accountability, Transparency and Good Corporate Governance.
- Recognize and promote the value of Education as a tool for transformation.
- Formulating self-sustaining environmental and food sovereignty programs in peri-urban and rural settings.
- Work to ensure that human potential in our country is optimized and people become self-reliant to retake ownership of their lives towards healthy, productive and prosperous ones.
- Engagement with a diverse cross section of thought leaders and organizations to unpack the causes and effects of the most detrimental social ills and marginalization of people and formulate strategies to overcome them.
ELET Organogram